One thing I dislike in this industry?
The clinic owners who focus their social media around their glitzy lifestyles.
You’ve seen the photos.
The doctors at the wheels of fast cars…
Or at the helm of a boat…
Dressed up in tuxedos or ball gowns (in better times)…
It’s supposed to be aspirational – and don’t get me wrong, there’s definitely a big market for this.
But to me it feels coarse.
I routinely hear the same from clinic owners, who want to stay a million miles away from this type of marketing.
But here’s the problem.
They often take their aversion too far.
Because they don’t want to play the “glamour” game, they don’t focus on themselves at all.
They’re barely present in their marketing.
I think that’s a mistake.
People buy from people. And your patients want a connection to you – the real person – not to a “clinic” or “brand”.
It’s important to help them see who you really are, and build at least some of your marketing around that.
Here’s an example.
Recently, we wrote an email for a clinic owner, explaining why mastering aesthetics was a core value for her.
This wasn’t some academic treatise or lengthy lecture…
We talked about some of her experiences in medical school, which made her determined to be a great doctor…
We described some of the lengths she goes to, to develop her expertise… And the thrill she gets from mastering a difficult procedure.
And most importantly, we related it all back to her patients, who are themselves determined to master their own professions, or parenthood, or education.
There were plenty of stories and lots of humor. It was a fun read with a serious point.
And it carefully positioned the doctor both as an expert, and someone patients could easily relate to.
Now, if this doctor only ever wrote about herself, I’m sure patients would be very turned off. Ultimately, your marketing is about them.
But when you mix up your normal marketing material with the occasional personal piece or comment – something written authentically and from the heart – we’ve found that patients love it.
When they get a glimpse into the real you, they like you more… respect you more… trust you more.
People buy from people. Your patients want a connection to you – the real person – not to a “clinic” or “brand”.
It’s also far more memorable than one more post or email about yet another treatment. (Harsh but true.)
So figure out the story you want to tell about yourself…
And start weaving it into your marketing.
It’s not “showing off”. And it’s not “too much”. This is a relationships business!
And if you’d like help telling your story to your patients in a powerful, inspiring and sensitive way, get in touch with me today. I’ll get back to you right away.