This morning, I discovered 4 Tweeters I was following that I’ve never heard of. I’m interested in high-tech web related Tweets, but I don’t recall opting to follow anyone who sells shutters, debt management or porn.
And this isn’t the first time. Despite regularly changing my password, I have had to remove about 20 users over the last few weeks that I was “following” but never heard of.
Twitter spam is not only frustrating, but it damages your credibility. You can report the spammers, but it often makes little difference. Now there is finally a solution.
StopTweet is a fully customisable application. You can tell the blocker what you personally consider to be a spam account. And you can choose to simply unfollow those users, block them or report the accounts to Twitter, as well – all with just one click.
The application can be found at