Yesterday, Facebook announced yet another tweak to its news feed algorithm. From now on, if you run a page promoting your business, text-only updates will be less likely to seen by your fans.
Additionally, when you share a link, priority will be given to “link share” posts.
What does that mean? This is going to be really important to get right, so let’s go through it.
One way to post a link to Facebook is simply to embed it in you status update, with no accompanying picture – and then leave it there.
A typical post would look like this:
Don’t do that any more!
From now on, once you put the link into the status update, wait for the story to appear below, so that there is a picture attached (if there are several pictures on the page you are linking to, Facebook will allow you to choose which one to use – or you can even upload your own). Then go back to the status update and delete the link.
It should look like this:
That’s it!
Giving you a little additional control, you can also change the title of the piece and even the little blurb that appears below it:
The good news is that Facebook claims that these kinds of links – without the link actually appearing, and with an image – get more engagement from fans. It does look more attractive, doesn’t it?
So hopefully, if you implement this, you will see more likes, comments, shares and clicks. And that can’t be bad.
Miriam Shaviv is Director of Content at Brainstorm Digital
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