Why you should hire an apprentice to manage your social media campaign
As we have discussed before, you can’t dabble in social media, it is a major time commitment and now more than ever you need to continuously monitor and update your social media activities for success.
To run a successful campaign, follow this basic social media check-list:
- Come up with compelling content
- Create a content plan to manage posting your content
- Be able to share it across all the relevant platforms
- Find people to follow and connect with
- Identify followers who could be clients or referrers and engage with them
- Track what your competitors are doing
- Create campaigns that will build loyalty and engagement e.g. competitions
- Track the results of your campaign
- Ensure social activity is coordinated with other marketing activity
It’s clear from this that to raise your social media presence and deliver the right results is a long-term process and probably needs close to full-time focus. It’s true that great social media doesn’t cost money but as highlighted above, it can cost a lot of time. We are talking about several days a month, not several hours. So what are the options?