Why is Pinterest still ‘fringe’ when it’s ‘more popular than Twitter’?
One of the most interesting facts to come out of the much-discussed Pew Research Center study on use of social media which was released last week is the sharp spike in Pinterest’s popularity. In fact it is now so popular that more Americans say they use it than Twitter, and it only just trails behind LinkedIn!
Yet when social media is discussed online and in the ‘mainstream media’, the ‘Big 4’ social media sites are always Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Pinterest is still somehow regarded as fringe.
The benign explanation is that this is a case of ‘lies, damn lies and statistics’.
Yes, more respondents in this survey – American adults who use social media – say they use Pinterest, and that is how it was widely reported. But the fact remains that there are more than 500 million registered users of Twitter worldwide, and “only” 70 million of Pinterest.