Learn to make effective use of social media. Start generating new leads today without leaving your office!
- Build a loyal audience who will engage with and ultimately buy from you via social media
- Develop a successful social media strategy on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
- Integrate social media with your other marketing activities
- Convert your audience into leads and ultimately customers
- Manage a successful campaign that takes up a minimal amount of your time
- Training is tailored to your needs. Anything from an hour to regular weekly sessions
Who is this intended for?
Our Skype training is intended for both beginners and intermediate users of social media. If you are unsure how to use it to attract new clients, then this is for you.
Our Skype-based training includes:
How to engage with your audience and build customer loyalty on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
- Introduction to the other social media tools: Youtube, Pinterest, Business Blogs, Feedly, Google Alerts
- How to combine all your social media tools into a successful strategy
- Real life case studies of successful campaigns
- Interactive exercises to help you plan and execute a successful campaign once the training is over
- A workbook as well as a post course document to help you plan as well as track the results of your campaign
For more information, call 020 8953 8820 or email us.
Who delivers the training?
Danny is Director of Brainstorm Digital and has over 14 years experience of digital marketing. You can view one of our delegates below talking about our seminar: